Black binoculars with green-tinted lenses, designed for image stabilization.

Binoculars Image Stabilized 10 x 42

Inventory Number: 2490

Availability: Short Term Loan

Rental Terms: $9 maintenance fee for first 30 days

MSRP: 1500

Attention bird watchers! Do you find it difficult to hold your binoculars steady? Do your eyes get tired while straining to see if the bird has a little red spot here or there.

Then check out the Canon 10 x 42 L IS WP Image Stabilized Binoculars. These wide angle, waterproof and fog proof binoculars may be just the ticket for your eyes.

Features Include:

Helicoid-type twist-yp eye cups

“L” series optics with four elements of Ultra-Low Dispersion (UD)

Operates on AA batteries

Provides excellent close focusing capacity

Interpupillary distance adjustment range of ~57 – 75 mm

?3 Dioptric correction

Item(s) pictured are like example(s) of product.

Available for short-term 30-day rental from our Device Loan Library for a one-time cleaning and maintenance fee of $9.00.

Inquire about options for extending the loan period.