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Early & Advanced Switch Games Software

Inventory Number: 2373

Availability: Short Term Loan

Rental Terms: Included with laptop rental


What a deal! 19 Games in 1 Software Package! 

Early and Advanced Switch Games is a control switch training program designed to provide training in the use of single switches for children with upper extremity disabilities.

These broad varieties of switch games are a collection of 19 activities such as constructing cause and effect, following directions, and matching.

They range in difficulty and can be easily operated with a spacebar, a switch, or a mouse click. These switch games are a great teaching tool!

 Examples of games included are Noises, which provides instant positive reinforcement on switch activation; Build-A-Scene, which adds a part of a picture every time the switch is pressed; and an advanced set of games that require counting, matching, and manipulation. User name, reaction speed, and type of scanning can be selected and saved.

This software is available for loan with a laptop from our library.