A motorized fishing reel with a coiled cable attached to a black control box.

Fishing Rod with Switch Activated Inshore Electric Drive Spinning Reel

Inventory Number: 2801

Availability: Short Term Loan

Rental Terms: $9 maintenance fee for first 30 days

MSRP: 700


Enjoy fishing but experience difficulties reeling in your catch? Then rent one of our fishing systems and reel in the BIG ONE independently!

This fishing system combines the PENN 450SSg Spinfisher reel with the powerful Electramate 450-PTH electric reel drive and a standard remote waterproof switch, to allow individuals with arthritis, limited hand dexterity, or physical disabilities the opportunity to enjoy the sport of fishing without assistance.

ELEC-TRA-MATE notes this fishing system is powerful enough to land large mouth bass, small mouth bass, brim, crappie and other freshwater species without the need to “assist” the motor by cranking.
The remote switch is easily mounted on the fore-grip of a rod for one hand use, or talk with one of our AT Specialists about alternative switch mounting options to ensure easy switch access for  you.

Use this fishing system on your lucky rod, or borrow one of ours. For your fishing pleasure, we have paired this fishing system with a Berkley AMP 7 foot, two – piece M spinning rod. The rod and reel with the electric drive weighs about 10lbs, so to offset