A green communication device with 20+ buttons, each displaying symbols or images, used for aiding communication.

GoTalk 20+

Inventory Number: 2928

Availability: Short Term Loan

Rental Terms: $9 maintenance fee for first 30 days

MSRP: 175

Wow — this lightweight Go Talk has the capacity for 100 messages! Imagine the conversations you can have.

Designed with easy sequential recording, built-in overlay storage, and the ability to erase an entire level at one time, makes changing the communication topic quick and easy with the Go Talk 20+.

For even more flexibility, the Go Talk 20+ is designed with five recording levels, PLUS the ability to keep five “core messages” on each level, to prevent the need to re-record essential messages for each level.

Available for short-term 30-day rental from our Device Loan Library for a one-time cleaning and maintenance fee of $9.00.


Inquire about options for extending the loan period.