Officemate Bluetooth Headset

Inventory Number: 2754

Availability: Short Term Loan

Rental Terms: $9 maintenance fee for first 30 days

MSRP: 500

Looking for a headset to use with your cell phone and computer? Check out the OfficeMate!

Designed for individuals with upper extremity, fine motor, or severe physical disabilities, the OfficeMate is a switch adapted, Bluetooth headset that allows you to switch between a cell phone call and talking to your computer, with the simple press of any ability switch.

Do you use Dragon NaturallySpeaking to control you computer? The OfficeMate could be your Dragon’s best friend.

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Available for short-term 30-day rental from our Device Loan Library for a one-time cleaning and maintenance fee of $9.00.

Inquire about options for extending the loan period.