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Press To Play Zoo Software

Inventory Number: 2926

Availability: Short Term Loan

Rental Terms: Included with laptop rental

MSRP: 50

Let’s go to the Zoo!  Learn basic single switch skills will visiting different animals at the zoo. Works with a joystick or a mouse, allowing you to select the device most appropriate for each student’s ability.

The multicultural scenes in Zoo incorporate language-rich environments and are ideal for promoting discussion and dialogue about previous visits to the zoo. The animations are colorful and will appeal to users of all ages.

Builds essential skills for computer-based learning
Helps students understand cause and effect and choice-making
Teaches students to observe, wait and select
Promotes interaction through literacy

The software is installed on a laptop.

Other switch software installed on this laptop include:
Cause & Effect Cinema
Cause & Effect Factory
Cause & Effect Amusement Park
Scan & Paint
Cinema II – Life Skills
Press to Play
Scan & Paint
Cinema II – Life Skills

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