Sonic Deluxe Videophone Signaler

Inventory Number: 2178

Availability: Short Term Loan

Rental Terms: $9 maintenance fee for first 30 days

MSRP: 50

Increase the safety of a loved one – Explore alerting devices and help them to be aware of important sounds in their home, such as the telephone or doorbell ringing, kitchen timer, or even the baby crying.  

There are a variety of alerting devices on the market, but figuring out which one best meets your needs can be difficult. Access our lending library, and see which system works best for you: Sonic, Simplicity, or Silent Call.

The Sonic Ring Elite TR75VR signaler is designed to alert you to your videophone with a choice of three distinct flash patterns; allowing you to specify a unique flash pattern for your telephone, TTY, fax or videophone with just one device!

Use additional remote receivers with this signaler to flash lights or sound horns in other rooms throughout your home or office as well.

Item(s) pictured are like example(s) of product.


Available for short-term 30-day rental from our Device Loan Library for a one-time cleaning and maintenance fee of $9.00.


Inquire about options for extending the loan period.

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