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WordLogic Predictive Keyboard Software

Inventory Number: 2378

Availability: Short Term Loan

Rental Terms: Included with laptop rental

MSRP: 50

The WordLogic predictive text solution – used as typing software and a research tool – is now also being utilized as a tool to help people living with the neurological condition in order to eliminate the frustrations they face when attempting to type emails, letters, shopping lists or complete a host of many other everyday typing tasks.

Unlike many assistive technologies, WordLogic adapts to the user by learning text that is frequently used by that individual including words, phrases, names, email addresses and phone numbers. The software features dictionary, spellchecker, calculator, multi-lingual symbol capability and fast access to internet sites from common software applications.

Upon typing a letter the system offers the user a list of five completion candidates at a time, based on more than 90,000 dictionary entries, which can be rapidly selected and inserted into the text. The software package is available on a portable USB Flash Drive. This stand-alone version requires no installation, which means it can be taken anywhere in the world and plugged into any PC or laptop to be used instantly.