Acquiring assistive technology
Locating funding often creates a barrier to acquiring needed assistive technology devices and services. Although Access Technologies Inc. does not directly fund the purchase of devices, it is a resource for individuals with disabilities and their family members, staff, service providers, counselors, employers, and others to:
- obtain information about assistive technology in appropriate funding sources
- borrow equipment on a trial basis
- purchase selected equipment or software at discount prices
- consult with specialists regarding accessibility issues
- receive training
- receive on-site support at home, in schools and on the job
Financial Guides
Here’s a link to Your Money Your Goals, a Financial guide that contains information, tips, tools, and skill-building resources based on insights from people with disabilities and from organizations that serve the disability community.
And from our friends at Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation here’s a great money management guide Cents and Sensibility.
Financial Resources
The information provided in this section is designed to help individuals with disabilities, families, advocates, and providers identify sources of funding for assistive technology. Programs change over time, so we welcome any new information for this funding guide. Anyone having questions about any listings, or wanting to share new or additional funding information, may contact Access Technologies, Inc. at (800) 677-7512, or send an email to
Alternative Finance Program
Northwest Access Fund provides funding to people with disabilities in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho to purchase assistive technology and achieve greater independence.
More information, including an application is located on their website
Health Insurance
A great place to start is by reviewing your private health, Medicare and Medicaid insurance policies to determine what Assistive Technology or Durable Medical Equipment coverage is provided.
Special Education Programs
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) guarantees that all eligible children with disabilities age 3 to 21 will receive free public education designed to meet his or her unique individual needs. To qualify for Special Education Programs mandated by the IDEA, a student must have a disability. In addition, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) developed by the educators and parents must specify all educational services planned for a student, including any need for Assistive Technology that will aid in achieving a full, meaningful education. Students in Oregon needing assistance from a Special Education program should consult with their schools Disability Services Program Director.
State and Federal Programs
Assistive Technology MarketPlace
This online equipment exchange, operated similarly to craigslist, provides a way for people in the community to sell, donate or search for durable medical equipment and assistive technology. This is a free service and exchanges are the sole responsibility of the parties involved
This is a consumer-to-consumer equipment exchange program coordinated by Oregon’s Statewide Assistive Technology Program (OSATP). This program is designed to match up those individuals who are looking for equipment with those who have it for sale or donation. Many agencies and individuals receive a monthly listing through our Tech It Easy Newsletter. The current listings are available in our Marketplace. Persons interested in listing equipment may complete an online post by visiting our online marketplace exchange.
Device Loan Library
The Oregon Statewide Assistive Technology Program maintains a statewide device loan program where individuals, schools or agencies can borrow equipment for a short term. The program is designed to help a person try out equipment before buying, or for a device to serve as a replacement while their own equipment is in for repairs. Types of equipment available for loan include augmentative communication devices, many types of switches and mounts, environmental controls, hearing devices, home modifications, telecommunications, vision devices, and others. Learn about our lending library or explore the many options available in our Device Loan Library. For more information, call 800-677-7512 or email.
iCanConnect – Oregon
The goal of the National Deaf-Blind Equipment Distribution Program is to ensure that every qualified person with combined hearing and vision loss has access to modern telecommunication tools and the training necessary to use them, granting every individual the opportunity to interact with the world as an involved, contributing member of society.
All iCanConnect – Oregon activities are carried out by your team of Specialists at Access Technologies, Inc. More information is available online at iCanConnect-Oregon or you may send an email using our contact form Contact.
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (OVRS)
The OVRS can fund assistive technology devices and services when needed to assist adults with disabilities to gain or maintain employment or to pursue college educations or other training programs that lead to employment. To be eligible for assistance through OVRS: 1) a person must have a physical or mental disability; 2) the disability must be a substantial impediment in getting or keeping a job; and 3) the person can benefit in terms of employment outcome from Vocational Rehabilitation services.
Contact your district Vocational Rehabilitation Services for more information or telephone (877) 277-0513.
Oregon Commission for the Blind (OCB)
The OCB can provide vocational services including assistive technology devices and services for persons with varying degrees of visual impairment. More information is available online at the OCB website or by calling 888-202-5463.
Telecommunication Devices Access Program (TDAP)
The TDAP provides loans of adaptive telephone equipment at no cost and with no income restrictions to eligible Oregonians who have at least one of the following impairments:
- Hearing
- Vision
- Speech
- Mobility
- Cognitive
More information, as well as an application is available online at TDAP.
Foundations can be a great source for small grants.
Service Organizations
Some service organizations have small grant programs or equipment loan programs for persons with disabilities. These kinds of programs vary depending on the local branch of the disability organization and may change frequently, depending on available funds. Organizations associated with particular disabilities should not be overlooked as possible funding resources.
Elks Lodge
Knights of Columbus
Lions Club
Make A Wish
National Resources
Bellows Fellow (United Cerebral Palsy Foundation)
The UCP Elsie S. Bellows fund is a national program operated by UCP that provides grants for purchasing or repairing assistive technology equipment for individuals with disabilities. Individuals with disabilities and their families who are in financial need and do not have other funding resources are eligible. Guidelines are available online at: Elsie S. Bellows.
Brighter Tomorrow Grant (Multiple Sclerosis Society)
The goal of the grant is to provide individuals with MS with goods or services (valued at up to $1000 per recipient) to improve their quality of life by enhancing safety, self-sufficiency, comfort, or well-being. Guidelines are available online at: Brighter Tomorrow.
MDA National Equipment Program
Open to anyone for whom medical equipment has been recommended and prescribed by an MDA clinic doctor in relation to a neuromuscular disease diagnosis. Guidelines are available online at: MDA Equipment Assistance.