Why is a Learning, Cognition, and Development Assessment important?
AT for Learning, Cognition, and Development (LCD) helps individuals with “Executive Function” processing skills – such as learning, thinking, and remembering tasks. AT can help individuals with disabilities to better comprehend reading materials, compose written work, organize thoughts and belongings, store and manipulate information, apply mathematical techniques, and avoid distracting and annoying behaviors. Reading, Math, Organization, and Writing are the four major areas impacted by difficulty with executive function.
These assessments are about more than simply answering a common question, such as “What is the best technology for [reading, writing, note-taking, etc.]?” Instead, Learning, Cognition, and Development assessments are about helping you identify solutions designed to accommodate your areas of difficulties which may include processing written or spoken language, as well as organizational and time or task management needs.
ATI’s Specialists personalize each assessment, with you in the center. You are of course welcome to invite other members of your “team” to participate in the assessment, but if at any point during the assessment you are no longer able to take part in the assessment, then the remainder of the assessment may need to be rescheduled.
Our Specialists keep abreast of the constantly changing technology and are here to help you to complete your desired tasks, within your environment, and with the highest level of independence possible.
Call your AT Specialist today 503-361-1201.
What to Expect from a Learning, Cognition, and Development Assessment
ATI provides comprehensive assessments for Planning and Organization, Reading and Comprehension, Math, and Writing. During which time the specialist will work with you to identify specific barriers and explore assistive technology. Be prepared to talk about specific tasks you want to accomplish, or need to do, but can’t (or have difficulty doing) because of a learning difference, disability, or injury. During this process ATI’s specialist will work with you to gather relevant data about your strengths and needs, and then identify tools, strategies and supporting services which will improve performance, increase participation, and/or increase independence.
Depending upon the circumstances, your assessment may involve an AT trial period to validate the effectiveness of the chosen technologies to provide greater confidence about the decisions. If so, the specialist will develop an AT trial plan for determining success.
Following the assessment, ATI’s specialist will provide a comprehensive written report to the assessment purchasing agent detailing the assessment results, identifying the most appropriate tools and strategies recommended (or whether additional trials are needed), and noting training recommendations as necessary to ensure successful implementation and usage of the AT.