Are you concerned about being successful at work because you find it frustrating to access your computer, keep on task or understand conversations with customers and coworkers? We may have options that will make doing these everyday things a little easier.
ATI offers Ergonomic Risk and Workplace Assessments designed to prevent injuries, reduce or eliminate pain from RSI, chronic illness, and for individuals with limited mobility or range of motion. Click to read more about these services or explore these easy-to-use solutions available in our short-term library.
Unlocking Possibilities
Ergonomic Risk and Workplace Assessment
Identify job tasks that may lead to repetitive motion injury (RMI), and reduce or eliminate pain from repetitive stress injury (RSI), chronic illness, and for individuals with limited mobility or range of motion, while at the same time preventing costly injuries.
Wearing bifocals or trifocals can make it difficult to position your computer monitor at just the right height and distance. Other vision issues including Macular, Glaucoma, even “aging eyes may cause you to struggle when reading fine print or cause eye strain and fatigue while working on the computer. Assistive Technology Assessments can identify solutions to these low vision barriers.
Assistive Technology Assessments are also designed to reduce employment barriers for individuals who are hard of hearing. Whether you work in a traditional office, or your office is “on wheels, identifying solutions that allow you to understand conversations throughout the day will reduce fatigue and increase your safety.